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Join us as we celebrate 10 years!

It's been one incredible journey to make it here. We love creating animal prints that make kids smile and bring families and friends together. We couldn't do it without you!

From our family to yours,

Connie & Alex Xx



    Stock Availability

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    Matching Fruit Ants Kids' Leggings - Cheeky Chickadee Store
    Matching Fruit Ants Kids' Leggings - Cheeky Chickadee Store
    Matching Kookaburra Kids' Leggings - Cheeky Chickadee Store
    Kookaburra Pocket Dress - Cheeky Chickadee Store
    Fancy Flock Kids' Jumper - Cheeky Chickadee Store
    Fancy Flock Kids' Jumper - Cheeky Chickadee Store
    Fancy Flock Kids' Leggings - Cheeky Chickadee Store
    Fancy Flock Kids' Leggings - Cheeky Chickadee Store

    Limited Edition, Hand-Painted, Watercolour Prints Designed to Make Kids Smile!


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